Daily Forecast News

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'Plan your day with the ...
Daily Forecast News
Tap into the mood of the universe today'

July 1 to 31, 2008
By Reverend Joanie Vogel
All messages for 2008 were cast by Joanie on January 17, 2008

Tell everyone about www.EnergySinger.com and the DAILY FORECAST NEWS today! Spread the good news...
Enjoy this free forecast news. Use the edge it gives you to navigate your daily world. It is nice to know what the common thread of vibration is that we all share here on the lovely planet, eh?
"Life...It is never more or less than it is right now. It just is." Joanie Vogel

They will appreciate your consideration. pass it on

About this forecast...In 2004, I created the DAILY FORECAST NEWS as a way to understand the meaning of the continual threads of energy that weave their way through our universe affecting each of us. I use a deep-trance meditation to choose which message belongs to which date. The DAILY FORECAST NEWS represents what I call the ‘mood of the universe’. All messages for February through December 2008 were cast (forecast) on January 17, 2008.
The DAILY FORECAST NEWS is not astrology or numerology (even though I do use the esoteric science of numbers to define the number associated with each message in the deck of 44 messages I created). It is new and different, just like today. ‘Love + Joy = Peace’ from Joanie

JULY: This seems a great time to remind ourselves that the message vibration for the year 2008 is number 29: 'Whoa! Slow Down'. AND July’s vibration is number 14: ‘Take Action Now’…AND the daily vibrations of July talk about RELAXing and OBSERVING. When you combine all of these vibrations, you get this: The world is ebb and flow. This month is the time to kick back and relax. See what is happening in your world. Notice the results of the plans you have put into place. When you see an opportunity arrive that you have been awaiting…take action now. Then stop and enjoy. In your good company, Joanie

Vibration Theme for the month of JULY 2008 is represented by message card #14: 'Take Action Now' – Now is the time to shake off the fears and self-doubts and make your move. You have prepared and you are ready. Ready-Set-Go!
Garnet, Red – opens root (base) chakra and makes one aware of survival beliefs that are no longer useful; decreases ego willfulness; business activator.
MESSAGE #14 in numerology means – 1 (Divine Will) plus 4 (solid foundation) equals 5 (freedom through the momentum of change).

July 1, 2008 Tuesday
'Sing Your Own Song' – Do what you love. ‘Follow your bliss’. Moving into your Right Livelihood. Do what makes you so happy that you sing or whistle while you are working!
Azurite, Deep Royal Blue – useful in purification actions; absorbs toxins; the colour of compassion and complete understanding; balancing; likes to rest on body when drawing out toxins; matches the vibration of purification by vocal sound (FYI Azure blue is the resultant colour of the purification vibration when I sing energy in my meditation work. For more on Energy Singing, see my website www.energysinger.com for my CD entitled 'A Mass Healing Meditation Experience'.)
MESSAGE # 19 in numerology means – 1 (Creator, Source) plus 9 (greater good service that affects us all and fulfills soul agreements) equals 10 (compassion and understanding the ‘fine art of allowing’, other people, places and things to live out their destiny free from your judgment).

July 2, 2008 Wednesday NEW MOON CANCER 7:20PM PDST
'Everyone Is Watching' – Everyone? The angels, the Creator, the world, the universes? What you do affects the dynamics of the universe. See how powerful you are? Healing your layers deep within yourself is a gift for you and a gift for all! Thank you.
Moonstone, Rainbow/Blue – telepathic aid; awareness on how to honour self; brings soul awareness into body; illuminates the darkness; very feminine and protective energies; water, moon.
MESSAGE #34 in numerology means – 3 (creativity) plus 4 (foundational skills) equals 7 (delving into and coming out of the spiritual mysteries of life with useful and productive information and then actualizing it through the act of doing).

July 3, 2008 Thursday
'Self-awareness Through Self-observation' - Self-awareness is the art of knowing and consciously choosing. Self-observation is a way in which one becomes self-aware. The act of self-observation gives you personal insight, through self-awareness, to know and understand the behaviors that have created your life. Learn to choose your life experiences from a place of balanced trust and understanding. Try this experiment: Observe your life for today. What is happening? What dramas? What part do you play? For this one day, do not participate, only watch, a silent watcher. Do not judge, only observe. At the end of the day, ask yourself, "What did I learn about my life by watching myself today?"
Blue Lace Agate, pale blue, usually banded - calming communications; brings emotional tranquility and stability into your existence; helps cool hot flashes (like a blue ice cube) and balance the hormonal causes; useful for inner attunement and flights of mental fancy; cooling to the brain.
MESSAGE #42 in numerology means - 4 (foundation and concrete decisions to move forward) plus 2 (team and partnership with the God of your heart) equals 6 (the stability and security afforded those who make choices and remake choices to suit their desires).

July 4, 2008 Friday INDEPENDENCE DAY USA
'Worry Is Prayer For What You Don't Want' - Through the years, I have learned to understand the energy of prayer. It is a focused energy created by focused thoughtforms. Years ago, an epiphany came to me. It was this: The act of worrying creates the exact, same focused energy that the act of praying creates. Wow! What a mind blower! Worry is really a prayer of focused energy, hoping for, what I don't want to happen to happen. Whoa! Knowing and understanding this has been my greatest tool in retraining the 'worrier' in me. When you find yourself worrying, ask a simple question. "Are these thoughts what I want to happen in my life?"
Bloodstone, dark green with blood red markings - a blood purifier when marked with the red; can remove emotional blocks and limitations by compassionate awareness. When paired with leopardskin jasper, a synergy can exist thus creating helpfulness when attending to details of life.
MESSAGE #39 in numerology means - 3 (trinity of creation) plus 9 (understanding the need to serve the human good, the universal good) equals 12/3 (the 12 focuses the numbers of the four direction and the four quadrants of 3 and the 3 returns the world experience to the trinity of creation).

July 5, 2008 Saturday
'Straight Talk' - Say what you mean and mean what you say, otherwise, stay silent and watch what is going on around you. Be clear on what it is that you want to say. Don't waste time beating around the bush. Come from a place of compassion and say it.
Tiger eye, golden yellow, can be blue or red, generally banded with a sheen- (yellow) protection; safety; clarity; discernment; evil-eye deflector; (blue AKA Hawk's Eye) brings a brightness to visions; transforms communications; brings a protective 'think before you talk' energy - plus the yellow qualities; (red) increases life-force and kundalini energy; protective - plus the yellow qualities.
MESSAGE #37 in numerology means - 3 (the number of the creative force that drives us all to do the things we love and to know our minds enough to speak our truth) plus 7 (the spiritual force that drives us to seek understandings of the mysteries of creation) equals a 10/1 (the ability to know what we choose (10) and begin a new beginning (10/1) using and practicing our newly illuminated tools with our own selves first).

July 6, 2008 Sunday
'Check Your Emotional Response' - Your re-action has come from the past patterns of conditioned (automatic) responses. Become aware of your re-action and ask yourself, "Is it appropriate for me now? Is it how I consciously choose to continue to behave?" Allow yourself to 'suspend judgment' and become a neutral observer. Now, what is going on?
Rhyolite, Greenish mostly with translucent, brown, yellow circles and swirls - useful in reprogramming your internal computer and opening to healing all levels and etheric translucence to move to power through no judgment.
MESSAGE #16 in numerology means- 1 (Creator Source of All, Sustainer of the Universe) plus 6 (stasis and karmic responsibility and the sameness that we often call security and the comfort zone, EVEN when that zone is very uncomfortable) equals 7 (the number of spiritual exploration and illumination we come to through our own personal journey; coming to know (understand) our own truths about what it is we believe we understand about our spiritual responsibilities as spiritual being having a human experience).

July 7, 2008 Monday
'Relax There Is Plenty Of Time' – Everything is changing so rapidly. The dominoes have been set up and the first ‘push’ has been given. So, relax, as you watch the dominoes fall. After the last domino has fallen, THEN you make your move. Not before.
Alexandrite, Red-Green-Purple-Blue – stimulates ‘I LOVE LIFE’ attitude; restores vitality and energizes metabolic system; inhibits cording; sophisticated energy; guards personal space.
MESSAGE #11 in numerology means – 11 (the first master number after the cycle of evolution through the numbers 1-10; higher level of development on lifepath, kicking your soul work up a notch from the 2 vibration.)

July 8, 2008 Tuesday
'Worry Is Prayer For What You Don't Want' - Through the years, I have learned to understand the energy of prayer. It is a focused energy created by focused thoughtforms. Years ago, an epiphany came to me. It was this: The act of worrying creates the exact, same focused energy that the act of praying creates. Wow! What a mind blower! Worry is really a prayer of focused energy, hoping for, what I don't want to happen to happen. Whoa! Knowing and understanding this has been my greatest tool in retraining the 'worrier' in me. When you find yourself worrying, ask a simple question. "Are these thoughts what I want to happen in my life?"
Bloodstone, dark green with blood red markings - a blood purifier when marked with the red; can remove emotional blocks and limitations by compassionate awareness. When paired with leopardskin jasper, a synergy can exist thus creating helpfulness when attending to details of life.
MESSAGE #39 in numerology means - 3 (trinity of creation) plus 9 (understanding the need to serve the human good, the universal good) equals 12/3 (the 12 focuses the numbers of the four direction and the four quadrants of 3 and the 3 returns the world experience to the trinity of creation).

July 9, 2008 Wednesday 1ST QTR MOON LIBRA 9:36PM PDST
'Set Your Intention' - This is classic training (retraining). Once a student exclaimed, "Why, if I set my intention for everything, I won't have time to do anything else all day, that’s all I will be doing!" My reply went like this: "When you retrain yourself and learn to automatically set your intention before you go and do something (anything), your life will move in a rhythm much like the flow of the river. You set your course by setting your intention. If you do not set your course, if you do not set your destination, what does it matter where you go or when you get there?" Setting your intention comes from consciously listening to your higher self and Creator. Start simple: 'My intention is to lovingly wash these clothes fresh and clean.' Where will you start setting your intention today?
Sodalite, royal blue, with occasional sheen, often has white markings of calcite - helps to dispel guilt from physical body; helps new psychics and intuitives accept opening to spirit; earthly and practical wisdom
MESSAGE #43 in numerology means - 4 (foundation of concrete substance in mind, thought and deed) plus 3 (markedly moving your wisdom understandings out into the world around you) equals 7 (focusing on the spiritual intent of everything around you and knowing that all is connected and you are indeed one with all and all is one with you).

July 10, 2008 Thursday
'Straight Talk' - Say what you mean and mean what you say, otherwise, stay silent and watch what is going on around you. Be clear on what it is that you want to say. Don't waste time beating around the bush. Come from a place of compassion and say it.
Tiger eye, golden yellow, can be blue or red, generally banded with a sheen- (yellow) protection; safety; clarity; discernment; evil-eye deflector; (blue AKA Hawk's Eye) brings a brightness to visions; transforms communications; brings a protective 'think before you talk' energy - plus the yellow qualities; (red) increases life-force and kundalini energy; protective - plus the yellow qualities.
MESSAGE #37 in numerology means - 3 (the number of the creative force that drives us all to do the things we love and to know our minds enough to speak our truth) plus 7 (the spiritual force that drives us to seek understandings of the mysteries of creation) equals a 10/1 (the ability to know what we choose (10) and begin a new beginning (10/1) using and practicing our newly illuminated tools with our own selves first).

July 11, 2008 Friday
'What Are You Thinking' - Ha! This can be read so many ways. Is it a statement? A question? Be conscious of your thoughts. Where did that thought come from? Is it an old rule that you got when you were younger? Consider if it is still valid for your life. Does it move you towards your goal or away from it? Does it sabotage your life or help create the life you dream of? I wish you could hear yourself.
Hematite, Grey metallic silver colour, very heavy - fosters the quality of peace where none existed due to pent up rage collected over lifetimes; can heal karmic anger and rages; ground discord; hematite’s most special and useful gift is that it absorbs anger (in all degrees and forms), from every level of your energy being. Needs to be vibrationally cleaned very often (set on sea salt over night, every night, when actively using/wearing this stone). When the individual stone’s absorption capacity has reached maximum input, the stone will act to save you from re-absorbing the anger (toxic vibes). This ‘saving act’ can be achieved by you losing the stone or the stone may break and shatter (sometimes rather dramatically!); is mildly grounding. Hematite seems more grounding than it actually is due to the effect of removing toxic angers. With toxic angers reduced/removed, your spirit is happier to ‘be in body’ – thus making hematite seem like a very grounding stone. When you are comfortable ‘where you live’, it is easy and fun to be ‘home’ (or feel more grounded!).
MESSAGE #21 in numerology means - 2 (you and Creator) plus 1(Creator) equals 3 (the trinity in action. As a 21/3, you begin in earnest, the work you were born to do to serve your Creator).

July 12, 2008 Saturday
'Whoa! Slow Down' – The depths of your brilliance can be discovered by healing yourself from the inside out. Inner peace-outer beauty. You are being shown that which desires your attention and love. Could it be you?
Obsidian, Black – grounds spirit into physical body after spiritual work; grounding in general; contains reflective qualities due to volcanic glass make up.
MESSAGE #29 in numerology means – 2 (co-creating team of you and the One) plus 9 (service to the greater good) equals 11 ( a master number designed to show you that you are prepared for the task at hand in your life).

July 13, 2008 Sunday
'Observe Your Reaction' - Watch yourself. How you behave. How you react. How you feel. How you think. These are clues for you. They point out specifically what within your self that can be refined. Clues, as to what is ready for refinement. Refinement is the process of removing the veils of illusion that stand between you and your God. Watch yourself.
Ulexite, clear, also called the TV Rock - inspires & stimulated visualization; clarity; aids willed-transformations; organizes thought processing; fiber optic type qualities.
MESSAGE #36 in numerology means - 3 (Trinity in action; creativity at it's ingenious best) plus 6 (security based within the faith and trust of knowing that you are where you are to learn the gifted lessons your spirit chose so long ago) equals 9 (taking the creative best and being the river (go with the flow to become the flow)).

July 14, 2008 Monday
'Ask For What You Desire' – This can be different than what you want or what you need. Be clear and ask aloud. What is it that you desire most, for starters?
Crystal Point, Clear – elevates thought patterns; electrical in nature; mirrors and magnifies your thought forms…'the good, the bad, the ugly, the beauty'. Soooo, watch your self-talk!
MESSAGE #26 in numerology means – 2 (team and partnership with the One) plus 6 (responsibility for actions and life behaviors) equals 8 (the freedom to work with others for your personal gain and the benefit of all).

July 15, 2008 Tuesday
'Move Away From The Drama' – There are some things happening in your life that are draining your life force. The drama of others can pull you away from creating the life you visualize for your self. Refocus your energy and understand that you are responsible for you. The drama may present itself as an unhealthy habit. One that you choose to stop and yet, you continue. Choose the peaceful path, the middle way.
Jet, Black – protection, protection, protection on every level in every way; prevents deep depression from setting in; releases fearful thoughts of the unknown, including future terrors; happily paired with amber, jet creates a unification of dark and light along the lines of Unichotomy, a philosophy of balance through oneness (as in, there is no good or bad, there just is).
MESSAGE #7 in numerology means – 7 (spiritual harmony within the Universal ebb and flow of rhythms; discovery of mystical universes and spiritual co-existence.)

July 16, 2008 Wednesday
'Worry Is Prayer For What You Don't Want' - Through the years, I have learned to understand the energy of prayer. It is a focused energy created by focused thoughtforms. Years ago, an epiphany came to me. It was this: The act of worrying creates the exact, same focused energy that the act of praying creates. Wow! What a mind blower! Worry is really a prayer of focused energy, hoping for, what I don't want to happen to happen. Whoa! Knowing and understanding this has been my greatest tool in retraining the 'worrier' in me. When you find yourself worrying, ask a simple question. "Are these thoughts what I want to happen in my life?"
Bloodstone, dark green with blood red markings - a blood purifier when marked with the red; can remove emotional blocks and limitations by compassionate awareness. When paired with leopardskin jasper, a synergy can exist thus creating helpfulness when attending to details of life.
MESSAGE #39 in numerology means - 3 (trinity of creation) plus 9 (understanding the need to serve the human good, the universal good) equals 12/3 (the 12 focuses the numbers of the four direction and the four quadrants of 3 and the 3 returns the world experience to the trinity of creation).

July 17, 2008 Thursday
'Relax There Is Plenty Of Time' – Everything is changing so rapidly. The dominoes have been set up and the first ‘push’ has been given. So, relax, as you watch the dominoes fall. After the last domino has fallen, THEN you make your move. Not before.
Alexandrite, Red-Green-Purple-Blue – stimulates ‘I LOVE LIFE’ attitude; restores vitality and energizes metabolic system; inhibits cording; sophisticated energy; guards personal space.
MESSAGE #11 in numerology means – 11 (the first master number after the cycle of evolution through the numbers 1-10; higher level of development on lifepath, kicking your soul work up a notch from the 2 vibration.)

July 18, 2008 Friday FULL MOON AQUARIUS 1:00AM PDST
'She Who Know Her Own Power'/'He Who Knows His Own Power' - All you desire is within yourself. Your 'job', should you choose to accept, is to recognize and live your worth. Your life is a living meditation and everything is sacred.
Danburite, Clear, may contain faint pink hue - very powerful activator used as a shamanic enhancement tool; energetic lightening vibration; very quick to strike and aim (intention) must be precise; contains a very safe field of energy for those who are drawn to work with it.
MESSAGE #5 in numerology means - 5 (5 is the middle and all about accessing where you are and where you want to be and initiating the change, the catalyst necessary to propel yourself into the directional stream of energy that you wish to go and Creator wishes you to go. Freedom and change are key words of 5.)

July 19, 2008 Saturday
'Instant Obedience to The One' - You hear the message within your mind. The inner voice says, 'take your coat with you'. You dismiss the thought and leave your coat behind. An hour later, there you are, wishing you had your coat. You tell yourself, 'I knew that!' Somewhere during 1998, I got tired of hearing myself say 'I knew that!' So I coined the phrase, 'Instant Obedience to The One." 'Instant Obedience' for short. The point was to re-train myself to give instant obedience to the prompting of the inner voice that I had come to recognize as the Creator, the One.
Striving to set life to your own parameters instead of the Creator's. Striving to live life completely by your own terms. Instant obedience means that you follow your inner guidance that leads you in the direction the Creator wants you to go. You agree to live by the Creator's Will and not your will. Instant obedience means that when you hear your inner wisdom voice, your higher self suggesting to you, initiating a desire within you, you retrain yourself to do it the first time without question…'Instant Obedience to The One'.
This alleviates the struggle that come with choosing your own path instead of listening to the word of God within you and reading the signs and choosing to immediately act upon the thought. Which can be as mundane as 'bring your notebook'. What do you keep experiencing and then, hear yourself saying, 'I knew that!" Instant obedience is hearing the inner voice and immediately acting upon instructions given.
Learn to recognize and know the difference between your higher self whispering guidance and your ego shouting demands.
Apophyllite, clear, naturally shaped as a pyramid, 4-sided with a flat top - aids in recognizing and acting upon discovered and uncovered truth; a mineral of light and organized balance; happily reflects back to us the joy it finds within our soul; helpful in ancestral communications; place the flat side of one pyramid point on each closed eye and one on the forehead to experience an intense meditation of universal awareness', truth and clarity.
MESSAGE #44 in numerology means - 4 (foundation and structure) plus 4 (structure and foundation, as in ground rules) equals 8 ( a 4+4/8 is a very structured and regimented way to get to 8, the manifestation and creation of worldly goods. Much discipline is required to master this way).

July 20, 2008 Sunday
'Check Your Emotional Response' - Your re-action has come from the past patterns of conditioned (automatic) responses. Become aware of your re-action and ask yourself, "Is it appropriate for me now? Is it how I consciously choose to continue to behave?" Allow yourself to 'suspend judgment' and become a neutral observer. Now, what is going on?
Rhyolite, Greenish mostly with translucent, brown, yellow circles and swirls - useful in reprogramming your internal computer and opening to healing all levels and etheric translucence to move to power through no judgment.
MESSAGE #16 in numerology means- 1 (Creator Source of All, Sustainer of the Universe) plus 6 (stasis and karmic responsibility and the sameness that we often call security and the comfort zone, EVEN when that zone is very uncomfortable) equals 7 (the number of spiritual exploration and illumination we come to through our own personal journey; coming to know (understand) our own truths about what it is we believe we understand about our spiritual responsibilities as spiritual being having a human experience).

July 21, 2008 Monday
'Observe Your Reaction' - Watch yourself. How you behave. How you react. How you feel. How you think. These are clues for you. They point out specifically what within your self that can be refined. Clues, as to what is ready for refinement. Refinement is the process of removing the veils of illusion that stand between you and your God. Watch yourself.
Ulexite, clear, also called the TV Rock - inspires & stimulated visualization; clarity; aids willed-transformations; organizes thought processing; fiber optic type qualities.
MESSAGE #36 in numerology means - 3 (Trinity in action; creativity at it's ingenious best) plus 6 (security based within the faith and trust of knowing that you are where you are to learn the gifted lessons your spirit chose so long ago) equals 9 (taking the creative best and being the river (go with the flow to become the flow)).

July 22, 2008 Tuesday
'What Are You Thinking' - Ha! This can be read so many ways. Is it a statement? A question? Be conscious of your thoughts. Where did that thought come from? Is it an old rule that you got when you were younger? Consider if it is still valid for your life. Does it move you towards your goal or away from it? Does it sabotage your life or help create the life you dream of? I wish you could hear yourself.
Hematite, Grey metallic silver colour, very heavy - fosters the quality of peace where none existed due to pent up rage collected over lifetimes; can heal karmic anger and rages; ground discord; hematite’s most special and useful gift is that it absorbs anger (in all degrees and forms), from every level of your energy being. Needs to be vibrationally cleaned very often (set on sea salt over night, every night, when actively using/wearing this stone). When the individual stone’s absorption capacity has reached maximum input, the stone will act to save you from re-absorbing the anger (toxic vibes). This ‘saving act’ can be achieved by you losing the stone or the stone may break and shatter (sometimes rather dramatically!); is mildly grounding. Hematite seems more grounding than it actually is due to the effect of removing toxic angers. With toxic angers reduced/removed, your spirit is happier to ‘be in body’ – thus making hematite seem like a very grounding stone. When you are comfortable ‘where you live’, it is easy and fun to be ‘home’ (or feel more grounded!).
MESSAGE #21 in numerology means - 2 (you and Creator) plus 1(Creator) equals 3 (the trinity in action. As a 21/3, you begin in earnest, the work you were born to do to serve your Creator).

July 23, 2008 Wednesday
'Self-awareness Through Self-observation' - Self-awareness is the art of knowing and consciously choosing. Self-observation is a way in which one becomes self-aware. The act of self-observation gives you personal insight, through self-awareness, to know and understand the behaviors that have created your life. Learn to choose your life experiences from a place of balanced trust and understanding. Try this experiment: Observe your life for today. What is happening? What dramas? What part do you play? For this one day, do not participate, only watch, a silent watcher. Do not judge, only observe. At the end of the day, ask yourself, "What did I learn about my life by watching myself today?"
Blue Lace Agate, pale blue, usually banded - calming communications; brings emotional tranquility and stability into your existence; helps cool hot flashes (like a blue ice cube) and balance the hormonal causes; useful for inner attunement and flights of mental fancy; cooling to the brain.
MESSAGE #42 in numerology means - 4 (foundation and concrete decisions to move forward) plus 2 (team and partnership with the God of your heart) equals 6 (the stability and security afforded those who make choices and remake choices to suit their desires).

July 24, 2008 Thursday
'Remember Your Lineage' – You are Royalty. Descended from the long line of masterful beings. A child of The One. You have complete access to all life has to offer from all time: past, present, future. Honour the gift of life and the Giver. Hold your head high and walk ye in glory. You already know what you are seeking. Go within. Ask. Remember who you are. Open yourself to receive. Accept your lineage and express 'the gift'.
Petrified Wood, Brown – grounds emotional security; reveals clan memories; centers those unable to move forward on lifepath.
MESSAGE #3 in numerology means - 3 (The Trinity; triangle of light and life; one point down is you and two points up connects you to the ethers and the akashic records.)

July 25, 2008 Friday 3RD QTR MOON TAURUS 11:43AM PDST
'Sing Your Own Song' – Do what you love. ‘Follow your bliss’. Moving into your Right Livelihood. Do what makes you so happy that you sing or whistle while you are working!
Azurite, Deep Royal Blue – useful in purification actions; absorbs toxins; the colour of compassion and complete understanding; balancing; likes to rest on body when drawing out toxins; matches the vibration of purification by vocal sound (FYI Azure blue is the resultant colour of the purification vibration when I sing energy in my meditation work. For more on Energy Singing, see my website www.energysinger.com for my CD entitled 'A Mass Healing Meditation Experience'.)
MESSAGE # 19 in numerology means – 1 (Creator, Source) plus 9 (greater good service that affects us all and fulfills soul agreements) equals 10 (compassion and understanding the ‘fine art of allowing’, other people, places and things to live out their destiny free from your judgment).

July 26, 2008 Saturday
'Breathe Deep, Breathe Slow' – Life is breath. The breath of life. Breathing calmly and deliberately is the one thing that you can do right now, this very minute, to energize your body mind and soul AND YOU ARE HOLDING YOUR BREATH! Breathe! Breathe! Breathe! Inhale, slow and deep, hold, and exhale, slow and deep. Consciously practice belly breathing and live well. FYI The 'hold' after the inhale, activates the lymph gland pumping system. The lymph glands are your physical body's garbage system. Take out the garbage and make room for oxygen!
Amethyst, Purple – stimulates intuitive awareness; assists in habit retraining; a stone of wisdom and spirituality.
MESSAGE #15 in numerology means – 1 (Creator and messages for movement) plus 5 (freedom and change and blazing a new trail) equals 6 (the place where you rest for a bit at the end of the trail).

July 27, 2008 Sunday
'Relax There Is Plenty Of Time' – Everything is changing so rapidly. The dominoes have been set up and the first ‘push’ has been given. So, relax, as you watch the dominoes fall. After the last domino has fallen, THEN you make your move. Not before.
Alexandrite, Red-Green-Purple-Blue – stimulates ‘I LOVE LIFE’ attitude; restores vitality and energizes metabolic system; inhibits cording; sophisticated energy; guards personal space.
MESSAGE #11 in numerology means – 11 (the first master number after the cycle of evolution through the numbers 1-10; higher level of development on lifepath, kicking your soul work up a notch from the 2 vibration.)

July 28, 2008 Monday
'Confused And Don't Know What To Do?' - Understand this. Most likely you are not really confused or unsure about what action step to take. You only tell yourself that you are confused because you want to be nice and you don't want to hurt someone else's feelings. Sometimes you don't even like that person and still, you torture yourself with feelings of confusion and guilt. The bottom line is: Do you hurt or disappoint someone else OR do you choose YOU and take a stand for deliberately directing your own life? Think about this and where you can apply this wisdom in your life today.
Agate, clear, translucent, cut potato looking - relates to physical and emotional attitudes; healing action in a gentle, slow and steady way; heavy saline quality and acts nourishing like saline solution, like a nourishing blood transfusion.
MESSAGE #41 in numerology means - 4 (foundation arranged and rearrange through four cycles thus refined and more focused) plus 1 (beginning again with the refined skills of a practiced master returning to the position of the student) equals 5 (a place where the master-always-the-student knows there is no place, there is no thing there is nothing, there is every place, there is every thing there is every thing contained within the change and freedom of allowing your authentic self to 'be').

July 29, 2008 Tuesday
'You Are The Dream' - Why are you waiting for the right moment to be good enough or ready to live your dream? You live your dream by living your dream right now! You are the dream. Create your world. Start now!
Labradorite, grey-green may have iridescent blue and gold - provides a transformative and intense energy; initiates communication with cosmic forces; very comforting and safe feeling.
MESSAGE #28 in numerology means - 2 (partnership and team spirit; Creator and you) plus 8 (the quality of having; material and spiritual having-ness in complete abundance) equals 10/ 1 (a stronger one, a 10/1, often a fresh new start and a place where you can practice and become skilled at using the lesson gifts you have been accumulating (learning)).

July 30, 2008 Wednesday
'Remember Your Lineage' – You are Royalty. Descended from the long line of masterful beings. A child of The One. You have complete access to all life has to offer from all time: past, present, future. Honour the gift of life and the Giver. Hold your head high and walk ye in glory. You already know what you are seeking. Go within. Ask. Remember who you are. Open yourself to receive. Accept your lineage and express 'the gift'.
Petrified Wood, Brown – grounds emotional security; reveals clan memories; centers those unable to move forward on lifepath.
MESSAGE #3 in numerology means - 3 (The Trinity; triangle of light and life; one point down is you and two points up connects you to the ethers and the akashic records.)

July 31, 2008 Thursday
'Observe Your Reaction' - Watch yourself. How you behave. How you react. How you feel. How you think. These are clues for you. They point out specifically what within your self that can be refined. Clues, as to what is ready for refinement. Refinement is the process of removing the veils of illusion that stand between you and your God. Watch yourself.
Ulexite, clear, also called the TV Rock - inspires & stimulated visualization; clarity; aids willed-transformations; organizes thought processing; fiber optic type qualities.
MESSAGE #36 in numerology means - 3 (Trinity in action; creativity at it's ingenious best) plus 6 (security based within the faith and trust of knowing that you are where you are to learn the gifted lessons your spirit chose so long ago) equals 9 (taking the creative best and being the river (go with the flow to become the flow)).

jlv©™ Remember the HAPPY NEW YEAR THEME

GameCards of Life, "Life is a game...Are You Playing?"
Trademark and Copyrighted 2003-8
Love Those Rocks Trademark and Copyright 1999-08
Daily Forecast News 'Plan your day...Tap into the mood of the universe'
Copyrighted 2004-8 Reverend Joan Louise Vogel d.b.a. Reverend Joanie Vogel

Early in 2003, I co-created this card deck, with Creator, for my personal use. So far, this deck consists of 44 cards. Each handmade card has a watercoloured abstract design in several colours, one of my favorite personal sayings, a stone and the channeled numerology for the number of the message. (In time, an essential oil for each card will be added and who knows what else?) This channeled information is collaboration between Rev. Vogel and Creator. It is for your entertainment and enjoyment.
We are one. Be nice to yourself! "Love plus Joy equals Peace", Joanie.

It is for your entertainment and enjoyment. A complete medical disclaimer is invoked.
Previous Daily Forecast News information is held in archive and future forecasts are posted as soon as finished.
This Forecast also appears in the online www.pyschicobserver.org
There is a new technique I am using and teaching called "THE DEFUSION PROCESS". My life is profoundly better and better. Your life can be better too! Easy, permanently and non-invasive.
Ask me about it, email me at joanie@energysinger.com today.

See www.carolbarbeau.com for her astrology dailies.Love those.

Rev. Joanie Vogel, Author of the DAILY FORECAST NEWS
To plan your day...'Tap into the Mood of the Universe'
DAILY FORECAST NEWS - FREE monthly online publication
SUBSCRIBE TODAY email Joanie@EnergySinger.com
www.EnergySinger.com - www.EnergeticBonding.com
ULC Healing Minister, Shaman, Wedding Officiate, Ceremonialist
Energy Singer ::: Crystal Gemstone Sound Healer ::: Reader
'Intentional Healing Jewelry' ::: Sacred Art Jeweler
H. 360-653-6857 C. 425-760-6329
MAILING ADDRESS IS: 1242 State Avenue - Suite I, PMB 268, Marysville WA 98270



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